Enrique Iglesias And Anna Kournikova'S Relationship Timeline

It’s been 20 yearssince they met on the mix of his music video clip and singer Enrique Iglesias andformer professional tennis player Anna Kournikova are still going strong.

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Anna played Enrique’slove interest in the sizzling đoạn phim for his 2001 hit Escape and Enriquerecently revealed their three kids have seen it.

In a rare interviewdiscussing their family life, Enrique shared what three-year-old twins Nicholasand Lucy & baby Mary (20 months) think of the music video.

“When they watch thatvideo, I think it does throw them off a little bit,” he said during an episodeof SiriusXM’s The Jess Cagle Show.

“What is mom doingthere, you know, with dad? When was this? It"s actually – it"s incredible towatch the expression on their faces. It"s pretty cool.”

In the video, thecouple turn up the heat in a public bathroom, a car and an empty theatre.

Before shooting thevideo, Enrique (46) told MTV’s Making the clip that he had never met Anna butwas a big fan.

“I’m sure a lot of guyswant lớn meet her. I’m one of them,” he said at the time. “She’s beautiful,talented, a great tennis player, and I’m sure she’s going to lớn be great in thevideo.”

The couple hit it offinstantly and went public with their relationship in August the following year.

They have kept theirrelationship out of the public eye & rarely speak about it in interviews.

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The couple have kept most of their relationship private over the last two decades. (PHOTO: Getty Images/ Gallo Images)

“For me, my personallife, I vày try to keep it as private possible because I need that balance,”Enrique said in a 2014 interview.

“When I go home, I wantto make sure that whatever goes on in my house, it"s just for me và my lovedones và I need that.”

After welcoming thetwins in 2017, he raved about Anna (40) as a mother but admitted that lượt thích anycouple they go through dips in their relationship.

“You still go throughyour ups and downs và it’s not always perfect. Butit is perfect in a way. It’s incredible khổng lồ watch her be such a great mother.”

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While the couple’srelationship has stood the thử nghiệm of time, marriage doesn’t seem to lớn be on thecards for them.

“It isn’t important tome. I’m in a happy relationship – that’s all that matters,” Anna said in aprevious interview.

“I believe incommitment. I believe in being open and trusting each other và respecting eachother completely.”

Enrique shares thissentiment. He says marriage wouldn’t make a difference to their relationship.

“Maybe it’s because Icome from divorced parents, but I don’t think you love someone more because ofa piece of paper,” he explained.

“Nowadays, it’s nottaboo khổng lồ have kids and not be married. What makes a difference is that you’re agood parent, period.”

It’s widely believedthat opposites attract, but for them it works the other way around, Anna says.

“You know, it"s noteasy being together for so long, but I kind of understand him a lot becausehe"s the male version of me and I"m kind of the female version of him.”

Sources: eonline.com, usmagazine.com, people.com

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