Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates

Appeared in the 1994 film Forrest Gump, the lead character Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks) said “My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

A box of chocolates? I grew up loving chocolates, especially that big jar of Nutella which I could go gaga about. If life is a box of chocolates, would it be always sweet? Would it make me happy as how Nutella did?

Loving quotes from a young age, this phrase made me ponder further when I first heard of it. I was a 17-year-old then and going through my fair tóm tắt of challenges. Why did Forrest Gump use chocolates as a metaphor for life? Something so sweet & delicious khổng lồ describe life? Did he just ruin my love sầu for chocolates? It was hard for me to resonate chocolates with life.

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As I matured over the years, I met many people, wore numerous “hats”, faced uncountable challenges & used every experience to lớn develop resilience. That’s when I started seeing the connection with the quote.

Chocolates come in various shapes, sizes và flavours. Chocolates refer khổng lồ the choices that we make in life which will eventually shape our future. When we piông xã that chocolate, we are actually picking a path. The bite that we take is the journey of that choice. Is it a sweet or bitter travel? Some may find it too sweet while some too bitter. It is indeed a challenge khổng lồ get that perfect bite all the time. So what vì chưng we vày when we don’t lượt thích the taste of that chocolate?

Life is not about cursing your present situation every time things don’t go your way. You are the driver of your journey. How fast or slow you go depends on you, but you don’t stop; you fix things, you keep moving until you finally reach your destination. Because when you reach your goal & look back at all the difficulties you had, you will realize that it was just a process that you had lớn go through lớn make it worth it. Then you piông chồng another chocolate & move on.

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As I am writing this, I shared this quote for the first time with my 17-year-old daughter. She was going through a situation và her response was “Mama, I don’t want the coconut chocolate which will cause me a stomachađậy but I want the dark chocolate with no almonds”. I told her that it was a choice that she had made & khổng lồ stick by it regardless of what she was going get from that. Basically, you’ll never know what lies ahead.

A quote that I always chia sẻ with my family and friends. “Begin with an over in mind” và when you have that mindphối, challenges will become “sweet chocolatey challenges” and actually make the path smoother. So next time you piông xã a chocolate, piông chồng it wisely because life is indeed like a box of chocolates.

Jagdeep Manager, Programmes

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